Lack of Innovation, Apple Imitates Android Features Again
After a long time Android can customize the appearance of the Home Screen and Lock Screen, now Apple mimics this feature on iOS 18. Apple states iOS 18 comes with new features that have actually been available on Android for a long time.
For the first time, iPhone users can change the appearance of the Home Screen and move application icons to their liking.
In addition, iOS 18 users can also change the color palette. For example, if the user chooses a red palette, all application icons on the iPhone device will change to red. This feature can be used to match the wallpaper color tone with the theme.
This feature already exists on Google's Android called Material You and iPhone imitates it in its latest iOS.
Material You is the latest development version of the Material Design design language. A little information, Material Design has been introduced by Google since the release of Android 5.0 Lollipop and continues to be developed from year to year.
With Material You, Android phone users can choose the color theme of the smartphone display. The system will present a number of color pallete options that can be used. By selecting this feature, the entire display, application icons, notifications will change according to the selected color tone.
However, Apple and Google's color customization features have differences. As mentioned above, Android users can only choose colors that have been presented by Google. They cannot choose other colors outside the color pallete option.
Meanwhile, iOS 18 allows users to specify colors at will, without any restrictions. So, users are completely free to customize the color of application icons on the iPhone.
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