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Budi Arie Urges Starlink to Open Headquarters in Indonesia soon

Budi Arie Urges Starlink to Open Headquarters in Indonesia soon

Budi Arie Setiadi as the Minister of Communication and Information Technology (Menkominfo) appealed to Elon Musk to immediately create a Network Operation Center or better known as NOC in Indonesia. PT Starlink Services Indonesia is an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that uses Very-Small-Aperture Terminal (VSAT) units to connect to satellites.

The Minister asked Starlink to immediately build a NOC in Indonesia because it aims to monitor all operations and data traffic flow in an internet network. The Minister explained that the NOC is something very important to prevent users from misusing the Starlink network to access negative things such as online gambling, phishing, pornography, etc.

“Starlink's NOC must be in Indonesia, and Starlink has committed to this,” said the Menkominfo regarding the eradication of online gambling.

Budi Arie also urged Starlink to create connecting access to the internet to user devices or commonly referred to as gateways throughout Indonesia, and always follow applicable ISP regulations.

It is unclear when Starlink will respond regarding the creation of gateways and the construction of NOCs in Indonesia. But Kemenkominfo will always monitor Starlink in Indonesia as long as they do business in Indonesia.

“I have ordered the ranks of the Ministry of Communication and Information to continue to supervise and control all telecommunications service providers, including PT Starlink Services Indonesia, so that the implementation of Starlink telecommunications services is orderly, safe and operates with fair business competition in accordance with applicable laws and regulations,” said Budi.

Then why can internet services from Starlink be used in Indonesia if they haven't even built a NOC here? This was explained by Budi Arie because Starlink has obtained a license to operate in Indonesia. That is why people can already buy VSAT units from Starlink officially.

Here are the details of the license that Starlink already holds:

Satellite Landing Rights and Space Radio Station Permit (ISR) with a validity period of 1 year, with 6 types of certified Starlink devices including gateway antenna devices, routers, and user terminal antennas.
Certificate of Operation (SKLO) for the Implementation of Closed Network Through VSAT Media and the Implementation of Internet Access Service Multimedia Services (ISP).
License for the Implementation of Closed Fixed Network through VSAT Media and the Implementation of Multi Media Services Internet Access Services (ISP).
Have you bought a VSAT unit and used Starlink's internet service? Comment below and share this article!


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